RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Fishing Boat

My love of rust and all things decayed has been well documented in these pages. Normally, I concentrate on a close up of some old fence, metal object, or dilapidated wall. Today, however, it was this fishing boat that I saw anchored in our bay. It looked great through my binoculars (rust-streaked hull and topsides full of texture) but my point & shoot telephoto couldn't get as close. I planned to go back later in the day with my other camera, but then the rains from Hurricane Raymond began and it suddenly made sense why this boat and her sister ship were in our bay - they were riding out the storm in a protected anchorage. Time will tell if it was the right move because the storm track for Raymond shows it heading directly for us. Sunny Mexico, not lately.

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