Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


Shooting photos with paige for the first time in a long time. :)

I am feeling odd at the moment.

I will be alright. Ah the dreaded overcompensation aha. Oh well, if I drown I drown. I can't wait to go out next weekend and get absolutely and completely, head over hip, hip over shoulder, feet round my neck, tongue down my throat, drunk. I'm going to roll through the night on my back, snorting all that I can to make my halloween bloody stained clothing and face seem acceptable in my saucer pupilled eyes, i'll kiss the girls and make them cry.

My cat just came and sat on my knee and i'm happier than words to look at her and see her little pink nose, god I love her with my whole soul.

I am so excited for Hannah's on friday, for the same reasons I am excited for going out next weekend. Bethan's staying at mine next Thursday after we go sessioning for Halloween so we're going to cabbage and watch house again, best friend days, cat days, drink days, drink nights, drug days, drug nights, work days, work nights, bath nights, nap nights, cat nights, mum days, dad days, camera days, movie nights, friend days and friend nights, are all the days and night's i'll ever need.

Until I die in a pile of loneliness of course.

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