occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

Golden Nugget

First (real) day of OMM Rotation.

I'm working with an anesthesiologist in Grand Prairie and I kinda love it. I get to gain some experience and knowledge from my preceptor and I get to work with an Orthopedic Surgeon as well. Win-win! So I got to scrub in for three cases this morning/afternoon.

Inserted my first LMA (laryngeal mask airway), got to use the scope during the arthroscopy on two knees, and got to suture on an actual human instead of my scrubs pants. It was fun. My preceptor's office is ridiculously nice.

His advice to me after asking me if I was married or single: Stay away from crazy. Crazy will find you. Crazy will drive down to your bone marrow.
Don't I know it. I believe you. I definitely believe you. And so apropos coming off of Psych.

I dropped the animals off at a doggie day camp for the day in case my work day lasted late. Ever since I picked them up this afternoon, they've been asleep.

I. Am. Exhausted.

Still haven't switched over my SIM card from my 5 to my 5s. I don't know what I'm waiting for.. I think I just might be scared I'm going to crack the screen like I did yesterday with the 5.


First screen to ever crack.


Ordered a halloween costume today. It's gonna be AWESOME. And just my kind of costume.
And finally, once again, I can say that I have travel plans: Miami (!!!!!) in a week and a half, New Orleans, Atlanta, and NYC!
Just need to buy tickets to Atlanta and NYC...

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