The Return of Stinky George?

Cambridge is a bit broken at the moment and after a 90 minute commute yesterday morning I decided I'd get in early, so I did and achieved an astounding amount. I came home early to work here for the afternoon before before we head off to the thrill of Parents evening later.

Anyway H got back home at about the same time as me and we were just about to have lunch when we heard a commotion from the garden. Rushing out (into the pouring rain) we saw a dog in the river swimming after Gordon the Goose and this Springer Spaniel running around our garden, soaking wet barking his head off. I think for a moment we thought it was the ghost of Stinky George!

We checked the chickens were alright and locked them in and then caught the Springer (the other dog was long gone by this point). I stuck him on a lead and had a quick walk about the immediate vicinity, but no sign of anyone so I came back. H dried him off and called the Vet to see if anyone had lost a dog. It turned out a dog walker had lost him and was out and about in the village searching.
We went and found her and reunited them, she was rather pleased to see him and told us he was called Archie, which was a little annoying as I had already started calling him 'Stinky Brian'.

The other dog had turned up soaking wet, no sign of Gordon the Goose though , hopefully he'll appear at our back door at some point knocking for food.


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