The Railway Arms - Derelict Thursday

Overwhelming, that's what you lot are. Thanks very much for your comments, hearts and stars yesterday. I was basking in the Spotlight all day, which was even better when H got her third spotlight in a row!

So thanks I do really appreciate it.

Anyway normal service is resumed. I was giving a presentation this morning so I spent the morning going over it. The client seemed happy, I had to make some minor revisions and then it will go before his board next week. Not a large bit of work but it would be great to win.

I was office bound for the rest of the day, which was all good.

Then home for some properly Exciting News.

This is the Railway Arms pub in Shelford. Next to the Station this once busy (if scruffy) pub has gone the way of many. Sad times when a pub in the middle of a village, near a business park full of offices and practically in a Railway Station, fails with a lack of use. It used to be full of telephone Sex Workers at lunchtime (apparently !). Anyway it is my entry to Tim's Derelict Thursday

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