Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Just chillin

Part way through a 13km walk around Derwent Water. Was this the best picture I took today? No. Check out my blipfolio for a small selection of pictures that are possibly as good if not better.

So why post this picture if it is not the best? Because it sums up this short break. It has taken me away from the normality of everyday life and given me the opportunity to totally relax at a time when it is most needed. I am indebted to Sue and Andrew for inviting me to join them on this short break. Doing so was a totally selfless act and one that is much appreciated. I've had a great time and have memories and photos that I will cherish.

Weather was really kind to us today and the walk was for the most part dry. The sun even got out on occassions and I managed to get a picture of a rainbow. Highlight of the walk had to be where we crossed the end of the lake. The footpath was flooded and we decided to remove our boots and socks and wade through the water. It was bloody freezing and walking on the submerged gravel path in bare feet simply hurt like hell.

Returned to the 'Magnolia' bar for dinner tonight. Got to be the top spot in Keswick. Good food and 50 Belgian beers plus guest beers. I was drinking Brooklyn Brown Ale tonight, Very nice. I do like a dark beer.

Will be sad to leave tomorrow but all good thigs must come to an end.

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