
By antipodean

Yellow Sky

The sky had such a yellowy look tonight - there's bad weather ahead, I think. It's turning out to be quite a turbulent spring!

I went into uni early-ish today to get some work done on my presentation. I had lunch with Liv, which was nice - our timetables haven't matched up this semester so I haven't seen her at uni at all. I went to my class but only stayed long enough to mark my name off and make sure I wasn't going to miss anything important.

I got home early enough that I decided to head to the gym, although the traffic was so bad on the way there and back that I almost regretted going. It was good to get some exercise, though.

I took a few photos this evening but the actual yellowness of the light just wasn't coming through. This one is the nicest, I think - it's all glowy.

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