
By antipodean

Last Class

Today was my last day of classes, although not my official last day at uni. Although I still have an assignment and two exams, finishing classes feels like a big achievement.

It's been a bit of a crazy semester, and I have it all documented here on my blip. I started out feeling very apprehensive about going back to Monash after so long away, and then had health issues that meant I barely engaged with anything uni-related until about week 6. So the last half of semester has been weird because I've actually noticed things and people. I'm so keen to get out of here, but I do feel a bit sad about finishing - I can't believe it's been three years. It feels like longer and shorter.

I actually had quite a good day - I made it to my early class for the first time since mid-sem break and got some good information about the exam. I headed back to Clayton and had lunch with Wazzy and Julia (and few others who joined us halfway through) then went to my politics lecture for another exams revision class. It was over in about half an hour, so I went to the library and then went back to see Julia and Wazzy (who had been joined by Steph, yay!). I had been planning on going to all my classes today but decided, after a semester of stress, to skip my final Political & Social Theory tutorial and instead drove Julia home and then went and collapsed on the sofa and celebrated the fact that I don't have anymore classes at Monash.

It would have been nice to take my camera to uni today but I'm always so scared of losing it. This is sort of a selfie, but the point of the photo is the sign and what it means to me. It means the end of a pretty crazy three years, and it means feeling happy-sad about the whole thing.

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