Ghosties & Ghoulies Wooooooooooohhhhhh !

Well I decided to get up early as it's Halloween today and visit my favorite Haunted Cemetery to see if any Ghosties or Ghoulies were about but I only discovered Ghosties as any Ghoulies were not on show must have been to cold for them any way I set up my tripod and waited with baited breath as every creak, squeak of the tree branches rubbing against each other in the older part of the cemetery gave me the creeps then all of a sudden I could hear chains clanking with a horrid screech of laughter and lo and behold this spectral ghostly skeleton appeared with his hands in chains laughing at me and a full head of white hair staring at me I quickly ratlled off my shots and also noticed some wierd Zombie head that stared at me with bright blue eyes all glowing at me well before I new it they disappeared right in front of me but thankfully they came out and appeared for me before I slink back home for another couple of hours shut eye then off to work later Oh well have a great Halloween everyone hopefully you all survive the horrors of today the things we do for Blip on another note It was good to see my team progress to a semi final in the football last night in Edinburgh's big derby match not a great game but the result is what mattered now then movie for the day is "The Ghost And The Darkness 1996" Looks good LARGE See Ya Woooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh!.

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