#Lovember the 1st

(Yes, it was THAT dark!)

I had this idea that for the first of my month of things I love I would photograph my family.
This is Plan B because Gemma isn't coming home tonight.

Just as it got dark I went to the beach we always go to, and so today's blipfoto of things I love is now The Beach/The Sea/The Coast. It was on my list, but I wanted my family to be first because my family is my first love and they will always come first. There are plenty of other things that make me feel fulfilled/myself/challenged/inspired/etc, but I wouldn't ever put any of them before my family.

Just to prove that, today I spent ages trying to make a felt panda with Tess when I should have been doing the VAT return. Yeah, great example: the fulfilling VAT return - sacrificed for time with my daughter! HAha! Hmmmm... Anyway, the VAT return is now officially late.

I often scratch my chin and wriggle uncomfortably when I am expected to be wowed and impressed by people who have achieved rather selfish feats. You see, I'm always more impressed by seemingly "ordinary" people who put others first.

The sewing was quite fun in the end. Tess really struggles to sit still, so I suggested we listened to Atticus The Storyteller's Greek Myths, and it worked! She sat still and concentrated on sewing!

I think listening and doing compliment each other well.

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