watching lights in the dark

Nicky managed to win some tickets for the Festival Fireworks for her work and advised me a couple of weeks ago that there might be enough of them spare to allow partner-attendance. I indicated that I rather hoped there would be none spare so that there would be no risk of me having to not publicly exhibit restlessness and possible unimpressedness if it turned out to be an unimpressive year. Probably the most irritating aspect is having to listen to the radio commentary in between the radio transmission of both the music and the bangs (which inevitably contradict the live distance-delayed bangs from the chosen vantage point) so it may well be more impressive to see and hear live from within earshot of the bandstand so that the repeated comments along the lines of "the synchronisation this year is so much better than last year" which they never really are and "wow the fireworks are so much more fireworkier than last year" which is seldom true. Nicky was impressed enough to suggest that it's worth paying for tickets so that may have to be done next year but this year to avoid the whole thing I went to see District 9 instead. Apart from the irritatingly human expressions on the key beastie and a bit of dodgy physics in some of the walking-animation it's all quite well-done.

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