Offensive, or not?

The former fish and chip shop in the main square has been turned into an Irish bar.
(Never mind that there are already two pubs lying empty there, and that the chippy was a popular venue.)
It's called Shamrock's and the sign includes a leprechaun logo which I find disturbing because the upturned nose looks like a snout. For me it suggests the sort of racial caricaturing of facial features that by and large is considered unacceptable now. For me it harks back to the depiction of the Irish as sub-human and ape-like, an attitude reinforced by social Darwinism which placed white people on the pinnacle of evolution and gave them the right to govern less 'advanced' races. (There's a brief article on negative stereotypes of Irish people here and some more historical cartoons here that show very similar features to those in the inset above.)

Fishguard has long had close links with Ireland and there was constant to-ing and fro-ing even before there was a regular ferry service. There are many local people here of Irish descent. I wondered if they also felt uncomfortable about the depiction. I put a couple of images on a local Facebook group and invited a response. No one was especially bothered. I asked my younger son what he thought. He said it was just a standard image of a leprechaun. I googled leprechauns and indeed there are hundreds all with green hats and red hair, and many with foaming tankards too. But although a lot of them had comical noses there were none with piggy snouts- except for the identical image used on the blog of an American commercial consultancy. Perhaps that's where the signwriter got it from.

So, am I being over-sensitive? Am I imagining this cartoon to be offensive when actually it's harmless, even affectionate? Is my politically-correct discomfiture superannuated? I'd like to hear other opinions.

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