Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

The incomparable Mt. Hood at sunset

In this area, the weather changes dramatically from hour to hour. The clouds, wind and rain move in and out of the area quite rapidly. So, when I left to take a drive at sunset, the wind was up and the storm clouds were moving in. I wasn't sure if I would just get rain clouds, or I might, just might, get a peek at Mt. Hood. Once across the river, I turned west, then shortly pulled off the road where I knew I might get a nice view of Mt. Hood. The clouds were limiting any visibility.

Then, as the sun went down behind the clouds, and I almost gave up, the clouds blew to the east, and Mt. Hood stood large and proud in front of me. The added bonus was the cloud colors of sunset together with a little bit of blue sky.

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend. I am still trying to catch up on your shots. I hope to get to a few more tonight, but it will be early to bed for me. Tomorrow will be a very early day up and out to eastern Oregon for work.

Thank you all of your wonderful comments and stars on the cowboy auctioneers yesterday. And also thank you for your great comments, the 90 stars and 6 favs on my Columbia River Gorge blip on Friday! I am deeply touched and appreciative!

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