South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

I love ..... Chichester Cathedral

This is a print that I bought in the 1980's - I've given it a new frame as the one it's in looks dated! I used to work in Chichester in the 1970's/80's and spent a lot of time walking in my lunch hours (and it was an hour back then!) My favourite walk always involved walking through the Cathedral cloisters, along a narrow walkway by the Cathedral offices and out into the lane where the Bishop's Palace is. The gate you can see leads into the Palace. If you carried on along this lane you would come to the Bishop's Palace Gardens - which were very quiet in the late 1970's because not many people knew about them - they had fairly recently been made into public gardens. I remember resting in the shade of one of the huge old trees in the very hot summer of 1976 - every lunch hour I would aim for there as it was such a lovely retreat from the heat of our office. The atmosphere was so peaceful. Also, I would often go into the Lady Chapel of the cathedral and just sit and think about things....that was in the days before they charged you to go into cathedrals. The lunch-time organ recitals were great too.

Anyway, enough reminiscing! I managed to cook some Italian Peasant soup before I went to home group this morning. Many years ago, I did an Italian cookery course for one term and got a few useful recipes from it, of which the soup is one. It's actually for tomorrow when a friend is coming round for lunch and I know it's one of her favourites. I got some crusty bread to go with it yesterday which I'll re-heat as I've put it in the freezer. Today we had pizza from Asda, which was very nice. This afternoon I've been checking emails and doing a bit of cleaning. Not a day that inspires you to go out really....

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