
Alex was working with the Wildlife Trust at Lattersey Pits today, a set of old gravel pits on the eastern edge of Whittlesey, helping to re-pollard willows. Though it was a rather grey and gloomy morning, I had a meander round with Rosie, as I'd not visited for a couple of years. There were a few fungi about, including common and shaggy inkcaps, but this saprophytic species growing on an old willow was by far the most eye-catching, and lived up to its name of Gymnopilus spectabilis. This seems to be a fairly common species locally, and is often associated with large white or crack willows. The large size of the mature caps, tufted habit and rather mottled, saffron-yellow coloursation make this species quite distinctive. It was a good job I decided to have an early walk, as the rain set in after lunch, and it was really unpleasant by the time I picked him up.

Thanks for all the kind comments on yesterday's red bridge - I think there may be a lot more abstract and impressionist images as we head into the winter!

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