
By Lizimagiz

Photo Display - A&P Show

Just after this morning I called into the A & P Association Show Ground headquarters to drop off the nicely typed up notes on the prizewinning photographs from yesterday’s judging session. It was all go at the headquarters. The A & P Show opened to the public later in the morning. Tomorrow is the bigger day for everyone. The Show is a great family outing and lots of fun.
Whilst there I photographed some of the display boards (borrowed from the Camera Club). There are images on both sides of the boards. All the rural school images were on a wall around the corner. Another large display board held the entries in the Novice section.
The stewards had a huge task yesterday morning sorting and placing all the images in their correct sections. It would have been a race against time to get it all ready and waiting for when Robyn and I drifted in to start the judging after lunch.
A & P Shows are held up and down the country in centres both big and small. They are part of Kiwi tradition and rely heavily on thousands of volunteers to organise and run them for the both the benefit of the farming community and related trades and the public. I salute the volunteers who work so hard to make these shows so successful.

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