Jumping Jays

Guess what I was doing this morning? Yep. Feeding the birds. And there were bunches of them today. You never know. First thing this morning Arvin said, "there's a big bird on the deck." I looked and saw a red tailed hawk! No kidding. I wasn't able to get much of a picture of him but wow! It's the third time I've seen a hawk on the deck. Once it was flying after some of the birds. Today it seemed interested in the suet. So perhaps we'll see more of him. Also there were two male red shafted flickers enjoying the suet. Again I was not able to photograph them but it was a delight to see them. These guys are of course the Steller's Jays who come every day to get their peanuts. I had a hard time choosing which photo to post and finally chose this one. Looks good large.

We had a relatively quiet day today. We did go shopping and somehow managed to get in and out of Costco unscathed even though half of British Columbia was there. ;-) We are about 20 minutes south of the border and Canadians come in droves. Actually we are just fine with that even though it is sometimes difficult to find a parking place and get in and out. But today we succeeded. :)

We did some other shopping and now are relaxing. Soon it will be left overs for dinner. I enjoy that kind of night. And with the holiday tomorrow, it is looking like an easy week for us. I am so ready for that! :)

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