Gitama's World

By Gitama

Traveling Toward the Mountains

Out and about today I could really feel Spring even thought the clouds were so heavy with rain.
There were many baby calves sweet drinking from their respective mothers and there were flowers..... blooming dandelions and beautiful subtly colored weeds in abundance.

The light was beautiful and everything glowed against the slate grey clouds with concentrated light from the hidden sun peeking through here and there.

Some people talk about clouds and rain being a negative thing but when you live in the sunburnt country it is just a blessing.... and to photograph it's a lot more interesting than clear blue skies......I guess it all depends on where one lives and ones point of view....and....maybe ask me again after weeks of rain and mould is growing on all the leather stuff in the house....could be a very different story.

I feel the truth of these words from Rumi (not the dog)

You think of yourself
as a citizen of the universe.
You think you belong
to this world of dust and matter.
Out of this dust
you have created a personal image,
and have forgotten
about the essence of your true origin”
― Rumi (not the dog)

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