
By Groovygran

"Some days are hard"

Dad was not wanting to get up today at all and when he did he didnt want to come downstairs. It makes overseeing him and mum difficult. Had MRI scan this afternoon on lower back and hips to see what may be the cause of the chronic pain :(( It took a long time and the hip scan was extremely painful and seemed to take for ever. By the time it was done I was a wreck, the pain was unbearable. I suppose I will have to wait for the results, the radiographer ? explained the pain was due to a build up of fluid around the joints.

Rhiannon looked after dad whilst I was a t hospital and dad didnt cope too well, he was very confused and poor Rhiannon felt very much out of her depth. Lesson learned not to put young members of the family in that situation again. After I explained that the change in dads behaviour was his illness and nothing to do with her personally she felt better. Old age with the problems it brings is very cruel indeed.

Surgeons came to my brother this morning and said he needed decompression surgery but he couldnt be listed today. Later they came and said another team would visit tomorrow witha plan that probably wouldnt include surgery yet !!! He must be thoroughly fed up, the NHS has really messed him around now for weeks :(( He still cant walk !!!!

Days like this I wish I was a cat !! :))

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