
By Groovygran

"Autumn colours"

On the school run this morning the line of trees displaying all the beautiful autumn colours was a cheerful way to start a busy day. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful rural area. On our way to school we passed two black sheep who had jumped over the fence to "pastures greener" they were both munching away on a bank at the edge of the estate oblivious to the stir they were causing, the children on their way to school were elated at such a close view.

Dad has no recollection of the unsettled day yesterday so that's good, he had an intense read of the paper and we discussed lots of topics especially one about a golfer who had been attacked by a crocodile in Mexico !!! The sort of information dad would have classed as irrelevant being more interested in the problems of the world. This crocodile incident was discussed over and over and over each re telling being as if the news was new.

I spent the day walking as if I just got off a horse, hopefully things will start to settle a little soon, the MRI scan obviously did things my body wasn't keen on :((

Keep taking the tablets !!!

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