He's behind you!

Birthday parcel posted.
Darren paid for sorting the gutter.

Doing those jobs was enough for me so feet up and a quick read before going for a long walk with Carole. We'd had another of Ellen's lovely texts...cup of tea later with homemade parkin?...so we walked and walked and then had a lovely stop off. Pat joined us and we chatted until it went dark. Carole and I then headed off home through the woods , it was really dark but quite exciting to walk there. At one point a dog kept running around us, there was a man walking up behind...we walked faster. He jogged up....yikes!!! It was only then we realised it was Stuart out walking Meg...phew! He walked with us until the path forked and we went in different directions.

When we came to the motorway bridge there was no light at the end of the tunnel today and we used the light on my phone to shuffle through ha ha ha.

I had intended to collect a few leaves on route as I wanted to try out my new light pad. With all the chat I had forgotten and it wasn't easy finding them in the dark, I will have to prepare better in the future.

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