
By Sydney

watery sunset

It has been raining a great deal lately with quite a lot of wind. I love it! But I am fairly alone in my admiration of this weather. I don't mind the chill, that's what tea and hot chocolate are for. And I am not one to fuss with my hair unduly so that's not an issue for me as it is for some of my friends. At my age, my upper arms are not my best feature so long is my preferred length of sleeve choice.

But that's not what really zings me about this weather. It's the clouds; their shapes, their layers and the speed at which they scud overhead. I so enjoy watching birds soar and dip on the eddying breezes, sometimes seeming to make no headway at all against the wind. I love the texture that moisture brings out in the tree bark when wet, or noticing the drops or rivulets drawn on panes and leaves. I love that the soil and leaves, the duff that the wind has brought down all is of a richer color when wet. I like that gust that sucks out your breath unexpectedly and makes your dog look up at you when you gasp. I like coming inside muddy and wet from the garden chores and locking the door, drawing the drapes and popping into the warm tub with a book and cuppa. And I love the sound of its patter on the roof of my car or against my windows when I'm in bed falling asleep.

It is raining and I am off to check up on the dance of my mushrooms.

I love the rain.

In moderation.
No flooding please for any poor souls to contend with.

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