Here come the Lights

Okay, I know it's not brilliant and I've missed little bits, but after being a total photoshop numbskull I have actually worked out how to isolate some colour in a mono shot. I have wanted to be able to do this for ages and I have fiddled and fiddled and not worked out what to do, so I am thrilled to be able to do it now. I think it will be featuring in more pics in the future.

I met Carole and we went on our usual walk and as usual it was muddy and as usual it rained...but it was great to be out in the fresh air. The Christmas lights were being fitted along The Green and I took a quick pic as we set off. We did stop for a cheeky cuppa in The Secret Garden which was much needed in the cold.

Now I'm cosy and warm in my new onesie...the only trouble is it is bloody freezing when you need to go for a wee!

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