
By antipodean

Rose no. 4

I don't know whether I should start apologising for all these rose photos, but in my defence they've all been very different photos of the same rose.

Today seems to have disappeared from my memory. I don't think I went to the gym. I definitely started properly studying, and I obviously ventured into the garden to take this photo. I'm also aware that it was Remembrance Day today but unfortunately I completely missed the minute of silence at 11:00 - it's hard when you're not a school or uni or work, because often they mark it in places like that.

I also finally worked out my interview with RMIT - it was originally meant to be November 25th but I'm going to Queensland then (yay!) so I had to rearrange it. Unfortunately, the admin people at RMIT aren't great so I found out this afternoon that it's been rearranged to tomorrow morning. Lucky I've got my folio all sorted!

I love the way the flower is just speckled with pink here - I've really enjoyed photographing the stages of this rose, and I love all the photos I've taken, but there's something delicately lovely about this one.

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