
By Transitoire


Where is Wally? Well, in this instance, in the corner of Thom’s room. I was going to take a photograph of Thom, but he conveniently fell asleep and was grumpy when I was attempting to wake him (admitted with the use of flash photography and poking!), and kept falling back to sleep…so this is the alternative! Not as handsome, if I say so myself, but still quite interesting I guess…

Today was a work day, for both of us. Things are needing to be handed in and post-graduate things are needing to be addressed. Starting to worry about life outside of the bubble, but since I still have at least another year of training before I head out into the wide world, it is not too terrifying…yet. I’m lucky in some ways that I want to be a teacher, because some of my other friends on my course are looking into going into the Civil Service and places like that…meaning a plethora of job applications, aptitude tests (sometimes in things like maths, which most of us have not done for at least five years!) and assessment centres, on top of the general university work and everything else that goes with it. I think the majority of us would pick being students for a little longer rather than entering the real world…but alas, not so for most of us!

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