Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Uganda's National Bird

Time for a bird since I am among so many birders and have so many photos I will have to work to identify. But I know this one - a grey crested crane, the national bird of Uganda. How many knew that ? Maybe I will have to check with the blip bird list when I get home.
Game drive early before breakfast. Some female lions , a family of elephants, striped mongeese. Some leisure time (yea!!!!) and then a boat ride on the channel that connects lake Edward and lake George that runs east and west and divides the park. Hippos, elephants , croc, Cape buffalo and a zillion birds!! Very pleasant.

Big rain late in the day.

Not sure about Internet tomorrow.....we'll see the other part of the park and head for the Bwindi impenetrable forest. The day after tomorrow is our gorilla trek -think positive thoughts so we can find them in less than 5 hours up the mountain. :-)

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