Blipfoto Project

By denizharezi


2 days ago "selfie" was announced Oxford Dictionary's Word of the Year 2013.
"a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website" is the Oxford Dictionary's definition of a selfie.
Selfies are mostly used with an hashtag sign before them in order to get more likes on Instagram. I believe the reason selfies have been incredibly popular on Instagram and Facebook this year is due to ubiquity of high quality front cameras. Did you know that the word selfie has been used 17,000% more in 2013 then all past years combined. Isn't it pretty amazing how social media is so effective that it can create new words?
Most of my peers enjoy selfies but I have a slight problem with them. I think that selfies make it seem like you have no one to take your picture but yourself. Still, I chose to upload a selfie today in the honor of our new "Word Of the Year" but it is on a slightly more original canvas; a teapot.

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