Pentireglaze Haven

Another beautiful, sunny day so off we went to Pentireglaze Haven so that I could be blipped in another 'Cornish P' place.

I took my yellow bouncy ball onto the beach because the tide was way out so I had lots of room to play.

The last few times I’ve taken my bouncy ball to the beach I haven’t wanted to play with it. Today I wanted to play at chasing surfers but the waves were tiny so there weren’t many surfers about.

However, even though I didn’t want to play with my own ball, I managed to steal a ball off a little spaniel. I ran around for ages with it and wouldn’t give it back. I could run miles faster than the spaniel and his owners thought I was a really young collie that was still learning.

Ann said, ‘Molly’s nine and a half so she should know better. She won’t play with her own bouncy ball.’ The spaniel owners didn’t mind though – they thought I was absolutely gorgeous!

Anyway, eventually I got tired so I gave the ball back and by then Ann was getting hungry so she said, ‘Molly, we’ll walk across the beach to Polzeath and have lunch at the Galleon Cafe. It’s warm enough to sit outside’. So that is what we did.

Honestly where else, in the UK would it be warm enough to have lunch outside at the end of November?

After lunch I was allowed to have another hour of playtime on the beach.

The only problem with days out in November is........................ by 3.30pm the sun starts to disappear and the temperature drops dramatically.

All snuggled up indoors now where it’s warm and cosy.

To see Peter's Point - Cornish P96 - Look here.

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