Forget cleaning - let's eat cake!

Yesterday on Blip, Ann said she was going to spring clean the house! .............But that was before she went out for dinner with some ex colleagues from St Ives Holidays.

When she came home last night after a few glasses of wine, she said ‘Molly, the girls are having a ‘bake off’ & I’ve said I’ll bake a cake.’ Well; Ann hasn’t baked a cake for about 20 years so I knew that no way would she win the ‘bake off’.

However, Ann had a very clever, cunning, plan. She said, ‘Molly I’m going to bake a canine cake for all the staff who have doggies. The judges won’t want to eat it, all the dogs will love it because dogs eat anything, so it will have to be disqualified from the judging procedure and no one will know what a rubbish cake baker I am. How clever is that?????’

Well I think the clever thing in all this; is how well behaved I was around loads of cakes. I had to sit for ages while the cakes were being judged, and I didn’t even get a slice of the cake Ann made until everyone had photographed me in all sorts of positions with cake!!!!!!

I have to say the ‘canine cake’ was very yummy. It had gravy bone biscuits in the middle and the icing was made from peanut butter and decorated with doggie chocolate drops. Yummy!

Slices of cake were then sold and have made £300 for a local cause.

So after all that excitement; Ann said, ‘Molly, we’ll go home now to spring clean the house.’

Well, it was so hot & sunny on the walk home that Ann said, ‘Molly, stuff the spring cleaning, we can’t waste a beautiful day like this indoors. Let’s go to Newquay’.

We love Cornwall in the winter when the car parks are free there’s no-one around.

Walked along Fistral Beach & then along all the town beaches, through the town not very exciting for me cos I was on my lead, back along Fistral to the car and then we went to Pentire where I had another half hour walk to watch the sunset over Crantock Beach.

Soooooooooooo; Ann may not have got the spring cleaning done but we’ve had a lovely day!!!

....................And the weather forecast is good for tomorrow too. Yay!!!

PS - I'm now going to try and add in the video of todays cake off??!!

Cake off video

Haven't a clue if this will work because as you all know my owner isn't very techie. If it has worked - you must watch it because it's fab??!!

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