Jax and co.

By indusriver

like mother...

My absolutely favourite thing to do when I was young was to come home after primary school and grab my book, pick a grapefruit off the tree to eat, kick back and read, read and read. Sienna seems to be following the same pattern - although for her unfortunately no fresh citrus fruit to pick and devour. For me my choice was not limited to grapefruits or oranges but more exotic fare of feijoas, passionfruit, tamarillos. Oh how I miss them!

Monday work madness prevailed, followed by swimming lessons where Sienna stressed herself out (as usual) about her ability even though it is obvious that she is one of the most capable in the class - which is still not enough for her to relax about it AND my twelve year old son told me he is 'going out' with the next door neighbour's twelve year old daughter - jeepers, not ready for this!

Tomorrow if I had a magic wand, to escape, I would just crawl up with a book and eat my weight in tropical fruit!

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