
By SomethingAwful


There's actually an explanation for part of this gap, and it wasn't entirely voluntary. Unpleasant few days, but getting better.

So, today I skyped with Sam which was lovely as always and I got to focus on that for a bit. We had a lot to talk about, and as usual it was an hour or two filled with laughter.

Then I started feeling very down and helped my dad organise his four toolboxes, including compartmentalising every loose screw and nail, which was kind of therapeutic and kept me busy, but without having to talk to anyone or do anything, which I didn't really feel up to.

I was meant to Skype Sam again because I thought of something more to talk about, but suddenly didn't want company... Mark was in town for the weekend and by the time he came around to say hi I wasn't sure I was up for human contact at all, but he managed to strike just the right balance of goofy and comforting. Glad I saw him. It feels like it's been ages - longer even than some of the actually longer times we've gone without seeing each other. Maybe it was his personality (i.e. wardrobe) change...

Oh. That's the elephant that the WWF sent me when I adopted a real live one. She was called Dusty but Mark named her Planet. Which I quite like.

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