
By KirstyHalbert


Boots Waterproof Camera!

Another gorgeous day here, but with a distinct winter chill in the air. While M was at the lifeboat, I wasted my life away on the iPad. I’ve downloaded the BBC iPlayer and spent a while downloading all the Great British Bake Off episodes I’ve missed from this series! I did manage to give Mum a call too, and put on some washing, so the morning was not totally lost. When M came home we had lunch (leftover sausages, nom nom nom!) and got ready for a walk at the beach. We walked quite a long way before realising the waves were actually perfect for a little surf, so we headed back to the car and home to get our boards.

When we got back the waves were still good, but I picked us a bad spot that was a bit ‘dumpy’, and we kept being deposited ungracefully on the sand! Luckily M noticed that the next section of the beach up was looking good, and we spent a really ace half hour surfing there before the tide came in and nearly swept our car keys away :o)

On our way home we popped past Aldi and attempted to do our supermarket shop for the week’s food there. I was pleasantly surprised – there was only one thing I couldn’t find (a cucumber) and one thing I didn’t want to buy (‘Class A’ chicken breasts... Not good enough for me, I like my food to have seen grass while it was still alive). We did, however, get a large, whole, free-range chicken for a fiver, and I kept picking things up and shrieking things like “Look! This big tub of Greek yoghurt is only 56p!”, which caused a few people to stare at us.

When we got home I made home-made fishcakes for tea and accidentally made then the size of side plates – you could have knocked someone out with one! Yummy, though. I decided I was now old enough and wise enough to watch Woman in Black with M, which had me cowering behind a cushion repeating “what’s happening?” at M. Absolutely pants-wettingly scary. Good, though. Well done, Harry Potter.

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