'One Of Our Visiting Hens'

A really warm day here today with temps up in the mid 30's, but we're expecting a cool change overnight and some cooler temps the next couple of days.

We've got my mother in law staying with us tonight as she's been in hospital to have a colonoscopy today, the results are all good though. Also MsMuns brother came around to visit and have dinner with us. We had enough food to sink a battleship tonight, plenty of left overs for the next few days.

Dylan is starting to say he can't sleep every night lately and it's getting later and later. It's just gone 10pm and it sounds like he might have just nodded off. We try to get him in bed by 8, but it just seems he's not tired. Anyone have any suggestions?

I'm knack erred now, and will be asleep in about 2 minutes from now I'd say.

Night all.

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