A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


backblip. It's taken a little while to decide which of the 130 shots to blip.  


After a large breakfast we spent most of the day exploring Malvern and the hills - mainly the section south of the huge iron age fort "British Camp", working our way along the ridge to the former Gullet Quarry above, and back.

An excellent walk in bright (cold) sunshine over hills and through woods.

After dark we explored Malvern, raided the Oxfam shop, coming away with everything from shirts to a large pile of Biology textbooks which S took back to uni. the following day.

Finished off with an excellent and relaxed meal at the Bengal Brasserie Indian restaurant.

My first go at using the semi-HDR thing in Elements, using a bracketed pair of shots.  Not the most elegant of tools but seems to have done a reasonable job.  My little Manfrotto pocket/table tripod may have been expensive for what it seems to be, but it's doing excellent service.

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