A little bee.....

.....had been exploring the centre of the rose Valentine Heart. I waited and waited, my shoulders ached, my arms were sore and it seemed like forever before he emerged - I guess it was quite cosy, warm and sheltered. He was slow crawling up the petal with one or two oopsies along the way, when he got to the top he looked me straight in the eye looking a little cheeky I thought, before he promptly turned round and went back to the comfort of the rose.

I wanted a bee in flight so I waited again with my aching shoulders and runny eyes. A blackbird was singing or was he laughing at me as looking back at the time of my shots it was a good 5 minutes before the bee emerged again and guess what - I missed the shot! Lol, how many times has this happened to you?!

I can't help but smile, the bee won today :)

I'm feeling very humble with all the stars, hearts and words left for me yesterday for my droplet, thank you so much. I'm thrilled you all enjoyed it, I'm only sorry I haven't been able to reply back as I fell asleep on the couch last night after tea and didn't wake till late. My eyes have been bad today as the pollen alert is high at the moment but I will try to thank you personally over the next day or so.

Time is flying by and its time I organised some tea - Salmon Fillet Mignon with Sweet Basil served with asparagus, baby carrots and potato, it was going to be salad but its cooled down a little.

Happy Thursday blippers :)

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