Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

On the way to Lithgow

"You can't read it mum, it's got lots of hard words in it" - so saith Missy-moo when we were preparing to read before bed. xP

Anyway, I read it, as it happened, and stumbled over those hard words (names of Norse gods and giants). Mrs tsuken laughed.

I took this (larger here) earlier in the day, en route to Lithgow, where I proceeded to hear more of the terrible tales of what some humans to to some other humans - including their own offspring (who are seeing me, natch).

And I feel like a bad dad if I get grumpy and tell off one of the kids without letting them finish their sentence...


Tried out the Tokina again this morning: not especially sharp but not at all bad for an old fungus-ridden manual tele. I had a breakthrough: it's manual, but I can have the camera in an automatic exposure mode (aperture priority) - which made things a hell of a lot easier, as the stop-down metering thing doesn't seem to work with this lens, for some bizarre reason.

Actually, I don't know whether it's softness, poor focus, hand-shake, or a combination.

There were some nice flowers outside work; on the way back from Lithgow I was struvk my Mt York.

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