West Coaster

By WestCoaster

More Grey Days

Some days you just know that you must try and see through. Today was one of those days, a day that should have been so different. Today is a day I want to forget for in the main it has been a poor day but on the other hand it makes me realise what really matters in my life.

Today the twins are 9,it seems to have passed in the blink of an eye, I remember my amazement at seeing those tiny little scraps of humanity, born a month early, but so utterly beautiful, I remember telephoning my mum, I remember her tears, I remember then telephoning my dad, finally hoping to receive his approval for something and being saddened by his very matter of fact response but I guess looking back that was more than I should ever have expected from him. I know I should let these feelings go and I do try, every day in every way maybe a little bit more of them do.

I ended up sitting by our river today, my mind racing, so many thoughts streaming through me, what ifs? The water looked cold and cruel but in a way hypnotic and strangely inviting. I shoot this today, as I always shoot the river for my friend,today more than ever I needed a shoulder, to hear their voice, soft, soothing, calming, letting me ramble inanely and was as only they could talked me down to allow me to see that no matter what things would be ok and its true with them by my side I can face anything...

I hope you enjoy the shot, the sky was actually rather beautiful, subtle shades of pink and oranges reflecting on the passing clouds but maybe as befitted my day monochrome with a little hint of green seemed appropriate. I hope you enjoy the shot...

For my friend, from the bottom of my heart Thank You for being you and for being there for me...

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