Waking the sun...

We woke bright and early, to go have some fun,
Outside it was dark, there was work to be done,
Had breakfast, got ready to go on the run,
Our mission this morning, to wake up the sun.

Around the world while all others slept,
Through a dark forest, under bridges, we crept,
And over the water to take a wee peek,
We shouted 'Wake up sun, it's you that we seek',

We shouted and shouted till our voices grew hoarse,
Our shadows appeared so we knew that of course,
She would be here soon, she was getting real close,
And there in the distance, the sun, she arose.


I'm sure there's a children's book in me somewhere although Bethany did contribute some key parts to this wee description of our pre-breakfast adventures so maybe there's one in her as well.

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