Social Experiment...

Urinals always remind me of a girl I went to school with. We were in the pub one night and the subject came up. It turned out that she didn't know what a urinal looked like. Sort of makes sense. She was a lady after all and didn't really have much business in the Gents toilets. Urinals don't come up all that often in popular media and this was in pre-internet days so easily look-up-able information wasn't available.

We rectified it that night by escorting her to the the toilets to introduce her to this unseen environment.

I read somewhere about a company that etched a picture into the side of urinals to give it's users a focal point or target on which to aim for. Apparently it reduces the need for cleaning by 85%.

I decided to try it out at my work today with a marble. The results were kind of mixed and not really all that successful. Of the two urinals, the one I put the marble in had more splashes at the end of the day and a by-product result was that it turns out that our cleaners aren't up to much as the marble was still there at the end of the day despite getting through two cleaning schedules.

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