The Pox...

Did you know that Blipfoto is a wonderful way to diarise your life?

When Bethany was born, I was trying to build a database that would keep both pictures and musings about how she was getting on as she grows up. This was the main reason I started the BethaBlip. In addition to that, I now tag every daily description that involves either her or Ewan with an appropriate BethaText or TextaEwan tag. Any other significant events get a wee tagging as well.

This means that when she is older, Bethany should be able to search for BethaText and Chicken Pox to find out that this is the date upon which she got diagnosed with Chicken Pox.

She's been a bit grumbley of late which is apparently the pre-spotty part of the pox. Yesterday and today, she came out in the spots and got diagnosed this morning. Poor wee mite, but I must say she is coping very well with it. I just hope it doesn't get any worse for her.

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