Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

7:00 am

It started out as a fairly cloudy day...but on the warm side. Because the sun wasn't out to kill the morning chill, I wasn't able to get outside to sit with my morning coffee until almost ten o'clock.

The sun peeked in and out through most of the afternoon, and I was able to take my computer out for a bit, but it get dusty here in the desert and I have to clean it well when I bring it in.

I talked on the phone a lot. Helped my legislator friend with her Tele-Town Halls about Obamacare coming up on this week. Made appointments for lots of things.

In the evening I went to the corner store and bought a bunch of stuff which two women who live in a local nursing home requested for Christmas. Small things. Word search puzzle books, pens, Olay Cream, winter scarf, cookies...ended up spending $80. But if it lights up some old eyes, it will be worth it.

For the record, unless I do a little cropping, I generally don't do any processing on rises or sets.

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