Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I'm sitting here with totally blurred vision so I really can't tell if this totally focused or is going to have to do for today, though. I took this shot this morning and, foolishly, didn't upload it to the computer before I went to the doc today...

Had my annual eye check, which included the dreaded "refraction" so I am now waiting for my pupils to slowly shrink to their normal size. In the meantime, my vision is very blurry and my eyes are super-sensitive to light.

I talked to the opthalmologist today about whether I might be a candidate for a Scleral Lens - she and I both need to do some additional research. The back story: since I had surgery in 2008, my right eye no longer produces tears so I keep it artificially lubricated day and night with a thick ointment that basically renders me unable to see out of that eye. It just irritates me to no end not being able to see on that side so I don't want to miss any chance I have of getting some functional vision back. The lens is, however, not without some risks, so that is part of what I need to learn more about. One step at a time - just like this whole freaking brain-tumor adventure.

Anyhooo, I'm going to keep this brief and hope that spell-check corrects my typos since I can't really see what the hell I'm doing at the moment.

Back later...or tomorrow. And thank you very much for your encouraging words yesterday - sorry to have been a dreary-Debbi.

Ciao, people...


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