You need hands

I'm not going to stick the Max Bygraves track on- it's too naff even with sentimental rose tinted glasses on.

Day 6 of the DDW December challenge the theme is "Plastic"

I dug the old plastic mannequin hands out, yes I know they have been featured relatively recently on blip... I turned my back for a second and they'd managed to get the feathers out... seriously, you can't trust anyone nowadays, not even the mannequin hands you have rescued from certain skip death!

This was the best mannequin based video I could think of!. For those of you interested in a random fact about me. I wear a silver bracelet engraved with "But Pal Waaktaar rocks my world" he's one of the band members in this video :-) My other bracelet says something complimentary about a chap named Bowie

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