As the day ended

S' mother had more angina late last night, and was very breathless before going to sleep on the bed in my study in the apartment. She then slept well, and woke with more energy than for some days, and was well enough for S' brother to take her back north to Snells Beach.

Because I didn't go to Wellington for Council (so that I would be available should S need me), I was unexpectedly at the inpatient unit today, and had a long and tiring day's work. Therefore I didn't feel like an afternoon run, especially as it was hot for this time of the year. I did consider seeking a response to this week's (#50) challenge word (stone).

Then I noticed that there were attractive clouds in the west and quite a bit of open sky. A sunset seemed to be called for. I alternated between just taking a photo, and using the "sunset programme" setting on the new camera.

This is with the sunset setting; slightly cropped (a tad off the top) to shift the horizon up to the 1/3 mark. I particularly like the way that the sunlight has picked out one rooftop in the near distance from the apartment.

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