Watch where you walk!!

Not the best day I've had. Started with getting caught in the motorway traffic from north in order to get to the unit. Made the right choice and left the motorway for a road with which I am familiar from an annual 25 km race in the 80s. Called the Roller Coaster, it was indeed very up and down. More comfortable in the car.

Arrived early by doing that and left S to check on her mother who had been admitted the day before. Mid morning I got a txt from S to ask if I could drive them over to the apartment, as m-i-l was being discharged. No one stays in hospital long these days.

Before heading back to the unit, I went to buy a sim card for the new iPad. Had to fill out form after form, and then i failed the credit check!! I wasn't wanting credit anyway. A phone call later all is sweet, but I still feel cross about the waste of my time.

Sorted some difficult issues at work, and then home for an early evening jog. Went to photograph some trees that have been decreed "the wrong sort" in a nearby street. They happen to be outside a big new development (supermarket, offices, retail, and parking), and would be "in the way". Protesters have decorated them. The light was wrong at the time I was there.

So I have chose this "hole in the footpath", a few blocks away More effective large, it was more obviously a piece of street art when I looked at it. Seen this way, I would hesitate before proceeding

I have cancelled my attendance at Council to support S with her mother for the next couple of days. Doing so will decrease my stress as well, as a beneficial side effect.

This was 25 m from Ponsonby Road, on the footpath beside McKelvie Street.

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