Algies Bay sunrise

I woke surprisingly early this morning. Surprising, because last evening I stopped being able to read, or even do a crossword puzzle, due to being so tired my brain went in weird directions. Having woken before the sun rose, I decided to go for a run, and see what I could see.

I knew the tide would be full, so I thought to head out into the countryside, and in so doing went up to Highfield Garden Reserve from where the sky was pleasing when seen over Algies Bay. In fact from pretty much where this was taken. As I went on, I changed my mind, went down to the water's edge and then climbed the 300 (approx) step back up to the hill in the Highfield Reserve.

There I was able to watch the sun emerge from behind the hilly promontory south of Algies Bay. Of the photos I took, both S and daughter J chose this as their favourite. It is in thirds. The boats at anchor in the bay give a context that was lacking in others. I like the cloud across the face of the sun. There was more gold and red to my eyes, but this is as it came from the camera.

A year ago today I discovered that the wisteria from our old family home had survived, and blipped it.Once the renovations at the beach house were complete and we had begun the task of organising the outside, S arranged for the builder to put a pergola on the street side of the house. Beside one of the posts, we planted this determined plant. The result can be seen in my blipfolio, from today.

An afternoon, where I spent an uncomfortable 90 minutes in the dentist chair, and S had her own consultation to attend to. So we decided to go to one of our "locals" for a meal. Back now, and a late-ish blip. Tomorrow to Wellington for a two day meeting. Needing a break.

ADDITIONAL: I had intended to put this into the blipfolio before. Done it now. I was able to get this picture because I decided to take the Pentax with the long lens; on a run; which turned into quite a long run. Worked well.

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