
Baby it is cold out here!
I know I know I am not supposed to complain.
I am a gargoyle and I am supposed to frighten off evil spirits and protect everyone.
However, this place is no Notre Dame and I am sitting here with my ass in the snow.
I have had an important job since the 12th Century and yet people refer to me as being grotesque!
My job used to be strictly plumbing back in the day. I sat proudly on the outside walls of cathedrals.
This is what it has come to now, due to cutbacks no doubt. Nobody makes things the way they used to.
I had to settle for a lesser job of watching over gardens where the family pet thinks I am a fire hydrant.
I have come to accept my role of warding off evil in a ‘kiss my ass’ kind of way. Yes, I have an attitude but as you can see, I keep on smiling through clenched teeth.
I was dragged out into the snow this afternoon by my grandson who was all bundled up where as I was freezing! We both decided this gargoyle looked like his teeth were chattering with the cold. After playing in the snow for a while, we came in to have some hot chocolate. It was the perfect choice after being out in the cold.

A squirrel entered Jimmy’s, hopped onto a barstool next to a good-looking gargoyle, and asked, “What’s a nice goyle like you doing in a place like this?”

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