Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Snow Bird

First things first - got the flu shot! Quick, painless, and now off my To Do list! While I was out, I picked up some things at the grocery store, gassed up the car, and even got it washed. And then, because I was feeling like I was really on a roll, I decided to get my hair cut! Yep, it's now about 7 inches shorter than when I started the day. Not even sure what came over me. I think I like it though - the final verdict will be when I wash/style it myself.

Today's blip is another Dark-eyed Junco - same species that I blipped on December 9. This one is living up to its nickname of snow bird - busy scratching in the snow for seeds and other edibles. Yes, I was down on the ground, in the snow, freezing my ass off to get this shot. (I sometimes think that the best blip would be the one of the blipper getting their blip...) Luckily for me, there are loads of juncos around right now and I didn't have to wait long for a suitable subject to approach me. It was a nippy 19 F (-7 C) outside. BRRRR.

Today's other choice was a cheeky blue jay

Off to NYC tomorrow to meet up with my friend Peggy. I'm not taking a big camera, but will probably take my little Nikon P510 and definitely my iPhone. So you'll get a street scene, or maybe even a very brave selfie. It's going to be another frigid day so I'm not sure how much time we'll spend wandering the streets... I'll either blip late tomorrow, or back blip when I'm home on Saturday.

Thanks for sending the little Tufty to the Spotlight! The whole titmouse crew was busy gathering seeds today - darting back and forth from the woods to the feeders.

Thirteen more Sleeps...


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