Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Just a titmouse...

Busy day starting with a trip to the optometrist to pick out some new glasses - I splurged and got Silhouette frames - super light and surprisingly tough. They should be here within 5 days. Then a quick trip to the park to try to get some snowy landscape shots (meh), back to the office to get some work done, then off to meet with a colleague for lunch.

Took the camera out for about 30 frigid minutes when I got home - it's freaking COLD outside! Most of the birds were trying to keep at least one foot tucked up against their bodies for warmth. And then a Cooper's Hawk swooped in, giving everyone a big fright (including the Cooper's when it saw me with Big Daddy.) It all happened way too fast for me to get a picture, but it was pretty exciting for a moment or two.

The titmice were aghast, as you can plainly see from this picture. They are extremely pleased not to have been eaten, too - again, you can tell from the look on his little face.

I posted one landscape and 3 birds on Flickr, starting here if you'd care to have a look. I personally think the landscape is too blue - I used a polarizing filter. I think maybe I'll fiddle with the White Balance next time to see if I can get a little less blue in the image. Any suggestions?

Trying a new recipe for turkey "meatloaf" tonight - it's looks tasty and comes recommended by a good friend. Probably do some roasted asparagus and potatoes on the side...and something white. :)

Need to get a flu shot tomorrow - keep forgetting to stop and get one when I'm out. Please feel free to scold me if I haven't gotten this done by tomorrow's post.

Off to attend to dinner...


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