Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Hark! The herald titmice sing...

Well, okay, maybe a tiny bit of a stretch. But he was singing, in the raspy, non-melodic way they do in winter. And, I am almost certain I heard a Chrisstmas carol... Besides, I can't really resist the titmice. They are related to chickadees and tits, and are just the cheeriest, most inquisitive little birds. When I put up my very first seed feeder last fall, it was a titmouse who paid the first visit - and it was love at first sight for me. And if you're still not sold, check him out, hitting on a nuthatch at the seed bar! Seriously, who could resist?

And, speaking of cute...yes, the squirrels were around, more determined than ever to eat everything. Hey, Sylvia even likes grapes - who knew? Maybe she is watching her weight? Or maybe not. Turns out they all like hot pepper flakes - yep, every last one of them. And they don't just like the pepper flakes, they adore them! I've got something called "Flaming Squirrel Seed Sauce" that I will try next - you mix a bit of it with seeds/nuts and it is supposed to deter squirrels. We'll see about that. Lest you think that I've changed my mind about their cuteness, I haven't. I just want them to leave the peanut feeder alone so that the woodpeckers can come and go as they like. Sigh.

Thank you for all your wonderful comments (and stars and hearts) on my little squirrel conversation yesterday. I am pleased that I'm able to entertain you a bit!

Hey, did you realize it is Hump Day??? Two days until ... the weekend!


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